None other than the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides an overview of home inspections and explains why it tells buyers to “Get a Home Inspection.”
Be an Informed Buyer
It is your responsibility to be an informed buyer.
For Your Protection
In a home inspection, a qualified inspector takes an in-depth, unbiased look at your potential new home.
You Must Ask for a Home Inspection
A home inspection will only occur if you arrange for one.
Appraisals are Different from Home Inspections
An appraisal is different from a home inspection and does not replace a home inspection.
FHA Does Not Guarantee Your New Home
If you find problems with your new home after closing, FHA cannot give or lend you money
for repairs, and FHA cannot buy the home back from you.
Radon Gas Testing
The United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Surgeon General of the United States recommend that all houses be tested for radon.
For Further Information
Read the full HUD document about Home Inspections here, while we outline the other Benefits of a Home Inspection.